How To Connect With Gods Blueprint For Your Life – Part 3 The Power of the Gospel

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How To Connect to God’s Blueprint For Your Life – Episode 3

To think, you and you and I have the ability to connect to God’s Blueprint for our lives. This is an incredible opportunity.

What does that look like and how is it different from what our lives look like right now?

In this episode, we do a deep dive into Paul the Apostle’s words found in the letter to Christians in Rome. Paul the Apostle wrote a lot about God’s blueprint for our lives.

He wrote, that the Gospel is the POWER of God in that it reviewals the righteousness of God. Romans 1:17 tells us that the righteousness of God unveils or shows us, the life God always had in mind for us.

The Ability To See Things As They Are! This is the unveiling of God’s blueprint for humanity!

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