


Day 31: Ron Harden
Day 30: Jerimiah Johnson
Day 29: Scott and Debra Johnson
Day 28: Kileha Holder
Day 27: Dennis & Denise Capra
Day 26: Connie Witter
Day 25: Isaac Thomas
Day 24: Chris Barhost
Day 23: Richard Waller
Day 22: Benjamin Conway
Day 21: Jendayi Harris
Day 20: Claudia Porter
Day 19: Clint Byars
Day 18: Al Jennings
Day 17: Pieter Swart
Day 16: Nicholas Larson

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Day 26 Connie Witter

Connie Witter, founder of Because of Jesus Ministries is a speaker, teacher, and the author of numerous Bible studies and books that focus on Jesus and His finished work.

Whether ministering in a church, conference, prison, or at her weekly Bible study, Connie’s passion is for everyone’s heart to be awakened to their true identity as a blessed & loved child of God!

Connie’s weekly Bible study can be seen on her youtube ministry channel & on her ministry website:

Day 15: Richard Birch
Day 14: Sherry Riether
Day 13: Haans Erlanson
Day 12: Julie Perry
Day 11: Bob, Mona Clark Pt. 2
Day 10: Bob, Mona Clark
Day 9: Dan, Nancy Thompson
Day 8: Bonnie Duell
Day 7: Kileha Holder
Day 6: Ted Nelson
Day 5: Brian Whiting
Day 4: Wayne Buller
Day 3: Joe, Violet Detre
Day 2: Carla Jennings
Day 1: LeAnna Tuff