


Day 31: Ron Harden
Day 30: Jerimiah Johnson
Day 29: Scott and Debra Johnson
Day 28: Kileha Holder
Day 27: Dennis & Denise Capra
Day 26: Connie Witter
Day 25: Isaac Thomas
Day 24: Chris Barhost
Day 23: Richard Waller
Day 22: Benjamin Conway
Day 21: Jendayi Harris
Day 20: Claudia Porter
Day 19: Clint Byars
Day 18: Al Jennings
Day 17: Pieter Swart
Day 16: Nicholas Larson
Day 15: Richard Birch
Day 14: Sherry Riether
Day 13: Haans Erlanson
Day 12: Julie Perry
Day 11: Bob, Mona Clark Pt. 2
Day 10: Bob, Mona Clark
Day 9: Dan, Nancy Thompson
Day 8: Bonnie Duell
Day 7: Kileha Holder
Day 6: Ted Nelson
Day 5: Brian Whiting
Day 4: Wayne Buller
Day 3: Joe, Violet Detre
Day 2: Carla Jennings
Day 1: LeAnna Tuff

Want to Make a Kingdom Difference With Your Personal Plan and Make a Living Doing What You Love?

Day 2 Carla Jennings

Carla Is a wife, mother of 5, grandmother of 3, business owner, and pastors with her husband Dr. Al Jennings II. She has been pastoring an exciting and life changing work with her husband at Summit Church in Forth Wayne, IN for over 38 years.

Carla is also an Author with her first book, Is God In The Bathroom?
Carla speaks with passion, motivation and love. As owner of FIT4U! Studio, Carla passion for fitness and health is both contagious and evident. She has helped countless ladies transform their lives.

They love the Lord, love people, and are passionate about building the body of Christ through the teaching and education them in the Gospel of Peace.