Day 22: Benjamin Conway
Day 21: Jendayi Harris
Day 20: Claudia Porter
Day 19: Clint Byars
Day 18: Al Jennings
Day 17: Pieter Swart
Day 16: Nicholas Larson
Day 15: Richard Birch
Day 14: Sherry Riether
Day 13: Haans Erlanson
Day 12: Julie Perry
Day 11: Bob, Mona Clark Pt. 2
Day 10: Bob, Mona Clark
Day 9: Dan, Nancy Thompson
Day 8: Bonnie Duell
Day 7: Kileha Holder
Day 6: Ted Nelson
Day 5: Brian Whiting
Day 4: Wayne Buller
Day 3: Joe, Violet Detre
Day 2: Carla Jennings
Day 1: LeAnna Tuff
Want to Make a Kingdom Difference With Your Personal Plan and Make a Living Doing What You Love?
Day 20 Claudia Porter
Whether rescuing abandoned babies in Uganda, building a school for vulnerable kids in the slums of Kenya, or motivating all ages to fulfill their highest purpose in life, Claudia Porter is a wealth of wisdom springing from decades of Christian ministry.
A Christian leader for decades, Claudia Porter has planted churches, authored books, spoken internationally, and founded Choirfire (training musicianaries), and Torchgrab Africa giving vulnerable kids a future and hope.