Reviews And Good Words

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I want to share this video endorsement of my book by Pastor Richard Birch in Auburn, CA. He and his wife, Rebecca served for many years way up in the North Country in Yellow Knife. www.RRCENTER.NET

This is an exciting endeavor as we continue to launch this vital tool to the body of Christ. If you have not picked up a copy yet, you will want to do that right away.

We are continuing to reach out to others with the Transformation Tables. This is a first for us as Pastor Von Agzagra in the Philippines leads the first table in that country.

His vision is to duplicate it and have all of his leaders become facilitators of their own table. How exciting is that!

We encourage you to pick up a copy of The Transformed Life Journal and join a table. Click on the image below to get started.

Anyone Can Become a Facilitator

Once a person completes a Table, they can join as a Facilitator. As a Facilitator, you will simply ask questions based on the worksheet we provide. This makes it duplicatable and available to groups anywhere in the world.

Video prompts are available on each week’s set of lessons which can help facilitators and others understand the topic of the gospel.

We encourage you to check it out and register for yourself.

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